The short answer is, we use an assessment to make a decision!
When a client inquires about services, each company or supervisor goes through a list of interview questions that then provide the direct supervisor a better idea of who the client is, and the best direct assessment that can occur within the assessment process. Based on a client's diagnosis, functioning, age, and conversation with the client (or their parents) a supervisor proceeds to go through a record review and reviews the most up to date medical documents provided to make the most informed decision on which assessment to use.
Various direct assessments that can be used (but are not limited) include:
-VB-MAPP (Clients ranging from 18mo-48 mo)
- Vineland-3 (Birth -85)
- AFLS (children, adolescents, and adults)
and many many more!

If you ever have a question about where your supervisor is pulling their goals from, it most likely is from a direct assessment.
Happy Studying!